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FSX: T-6/A Texan II Package by IRIS

Ennesimo velivolo sdoganato dalla IRIS. Si tratta del  T-6/A Texan II un velivolo di addestramento a elica biposto in tandem con le caratteristiche di un caccia leggero. 

Another aircraft released by IRIS. This is the T-6 / A Texan II training aircraft, a propeller equal to a piloting light fighter. You can download from IRIS site.

La IRIS ci propone un altro "regalo". Dopo il PC 9 ora possiamo scaricare il favoloso T-6/A Texan II, un pacchetto di 84 MB che ci farà provare i brividi nel pilotare un aereo a elica biposto in tandem da addestramento con le caratteristiche di un caccia leggero. 
Le caratteristiche generali del velivolo sono:
Crew: 2, tandem seating 
Length: 33 ft 4 in (10.2 m) 
Wingspan: 33 ft 5 in (10.2 m) 
Height: 10 ft 8 in (3.3 m) 
Empty weight: 4,900 lb (2,087 kg) 
Loaded weight: 6,550 lb (2,971 kg) 
Max takeoff weight: 6,500 lb (2,958 kg) 
Powerplant: 1× Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68 turboprop, 1,100 shp (820 kW) 
Maximum speed: 316 knots IAS (Mach 0.67 at high altitude, 585 km/h) 
Range: 850 nm (1,575 km) 
Service ceiling 31,000 ft (9,448 m) 
Rate of climb: 4,500 ft/min (1,372 m/min) 
Il velivolo richiede Microsoft Flight Simulator X con SP2 standard, o Microsoft Flight Simulator X con Acceleration Expansion pack oppure Microsoft Flight Simulator X Gold edition. Inoltre è disponibile il Pilot handbook della IRIS, un interessante manuale in pdf . Da non perdere!
La IRIS descrive il suo prodotto in questi termini: The IRIS Pro Series T-6/A Texan II has been designed from the ground up based on the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) Student Guide
Our main criticism in the past has been performance related and as such, we have paid special attention to frame rates over a variety of different systems. The FSX version of the T-6/A Texan II is our first ‘Built for FSX’ product which features, self-shadowing, normal mapping and reflective bloom. Furthermore, designing the FSX version using the FSX exporter has resulted in the ability to provide much higher levels of detail in the virtual cockpit than obtained in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 products.
A choice of high quality 32 bit textures or medium quality DXT3 Textures for improved frame rates in high detail environments.
Backlit canopy gauges for accuate night-time flying.
Interactive Virtual Cockpit including a wide variety of custom interactive objects.
Appearing warning labels, prop restraints and intake covers plus more from a pre-boarding checklist.
Custom Soundpack designed by Christoffer Petersen from Turbine Sound Studios.
Custom designed simulation systems including the Trim Aid Device.
Enhanced flight dynamics from flight dynamics modeller Rick Piper complete with spin ability in both FS9 and FSX.
Two external models covering the Texan II and the Texan II NTA with external fuel tanks.
Authentic new 2D panel with VFR and popup windows, all with custom programmed XML gauges throughout.
Il download del prodotto può essere fatto direttamente dal sito della IRIS.

IRIS T6 Texan cockpit
Real T6 Texan cockpit

Decolli mancati - Erroneus takeoff

Quello che posto è un interessante articolo (in inglese) tratto dal sito Smart Cockpit sulle velocità di riferimento al decollo. Boeing sta prendendo diversi provvedimenti per aiutare i piloti dei liner per migliorare il processo per determinare la corretta velocità di riferimento decollo. Leggi tutto...
Per rimanere in tema ho postato tre tutorial didattici inerenti le operazioni di decollo (in italiano) di aerei VDS, ma che valgono anche per l'aviazione generale.

Interesting article from smart cockpit about the takeoff speed. Operators have reported the use of excessively low takeoff reference speeds that have resulted in tail strike, high-speed rejected takeoffs (RTO), and other instances of degraded performance. These incidents were caused by a variety of human errors that typically resulted from using an erroneously low value for gross weight or an incorrect flap reference setting when determining takeoff speeds. Boeing is taking several steps to help operators of all transport airplanes improve the process for determining proper takeoff reference speed. These include identification of the points in the calculation process where human error commonly occurs, recommendations for reducing the occurrence of errors and for detecting any errors that still occur, related flight deck equipment options and standard procedures,and a risk assessment checklist for operators’ management and flight crews. Read more...

FS: B 787 Dreamliner

Per gli appassionati di liner ecco il Boeing 787, un package di aggiornamento con il nuovo cockpit per farvi sentire pilot in command di uno dei più grandi aerei dell'aviazione commerciale.

For fans of liner here is the Boeing 787, an update package with the new cockpit for you to feel the pilot in command of one of the largest commercial aviation aircraft. The package is download from here.

E' disponibile il package del B 787 Dreamliner per FSX  di 108 MB con l'advance Virtual cockpit del B 737 modificato di Rojas Lucena (il miglior cockpit disegnato per FSX). La presentazione sul sito Simviation lo descrive così:
FSX Boeing 787-8 British Airways Landor with Advanced VC for FSX Model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger buses, cargo, stairs, refuelling etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) The wonderful new Boeing 787-8 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. So now the 787-8 has the nearest VC I can find -- the 737-800. The layout of the 787 cockpit is not a million miles away from the advanced 737-800. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I have included the great BA Landor textures by Stephen Groom. Model is not modified in any way. The VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 787-8 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans.

FSX cockpit del B 787

Cockpit  reale del  Boeing 787
Altra vista del cockpit reale B 787

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