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Decolli mancati - Erroneus takeoff

Quello che posto è un interessante articolo (in inglese) tratto dal sito Smart Cockpit sulle velocità di riferimento al decollo. Boeing sta prendendo diversi provvedimenti per aiutare i piloti dei liner per migliorare il processo per determinare la corretta velocità di riferimento decollo. Leggi tutto...
Per rimanere in tema ho postato tre tutorial didattici inerenti le operazioni di decollo (in italiano) di aerei VDS, ma che valgono anche per l'aviazione generale.

Interesting article from smart cockpit about the takeoff speed. Operators have reported the use of excessively low takeoff reference speeds that have resulted in tail strike, high-speed rejected takeoffs (RTO), and other instances of degraded performance. These incidents were caused by a variety of human errors that typically resulted from using an erroneously low value for gross weight or an incorrect flap reference setting when determining takeoff speeds. Boeing is taking several steps to help operators of all transport airplanes improve the process for determining proper takeoff reference speed. These include identification of the points in the calculation process where human error commonly occurs, recommendations for reducing the occurrence of errors and for detecting any errors that still occur, related flight deck equipment options and standard procedures,and a risk assessment checklist for operators’ management and flight crews. Read more...

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