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Flight Navigator Handbook

Un altro interessante manuale edito dalla FAA americana. Un handbook che fornisce informazioni su tutte le fasi della navigazione. 282 pagine in pdf con tante disegni utili ai simmer, agli appassionati di aviazione e, perchè no, agli stessi piloti.

The Flight Navigator Handbook provides information on all phases of air navigation. It is a source of reference for navigators
and navigator students. This handbook explains how to measure, chart the earth, and use flight instruments to solve basic navigation problems.

Di seguito gli argomenti trattati:
-Chapter 1:Maps and Charts
-Chapter 2: Flight Planning
-Chapter 3: Basic Instrument
- Chapter 4: Dead Reckoning
-Chapter 5: Radio Aid Fixing
-Chapter 6: Map Reading
-Chapter 7: Radar Navigation
-Chapter 8: Celestial Concepts
-Chapter 9: Computing Altitude and True Azimuth
-Chapter 10: Celestial Precomputation
-Chapter 11: Plotting and Interpreting the Celestial Line of Position
-Chapter 12: Special Celestial Techniques
-Chapter 13: Sextants and Errors of Observation
-Chapter 14: Grid Navigation
-Chapter 15: Pressure Pattern Navigation
-Chapter 16: Navigation Systems.

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