Laminar Research ha annunciato che è disponibile la versione finale di X-Plane 11.33.
Laminar Research has announced the final version of X-Plane 11.33 is now live. The new version is an incremental update that includes new Gateway airports and bug fixes. In total, 1204 airports with 3-D scenery have been added from the Scenery Gateway and 1460 airports have improved scenery. Finally, 223 new airports have been added to the platform in the 11.30 release. There have also been change to the location of the Gateway airports in the X-Plane install folder. 3D airports lived in the ‘Custom Scenery’ folder, while 2D airports lived in the ‘Resources’ folder. In X-Plane 11.33, all airports are now located in the ‘Custom Scenery\Global Airports’ folder.
La nuova versione è un aggiornamento che incrementa e include nuovi aeroporti e correzioni di bug. In totale 1204 aeroporti con scenario 3D sono stati aggiunti alle Scenery e 1460 aeroporti hanno migliorato lo scenario, inoltre ci sono 223 nuovi aeroporti.
È stata inoltre modificata la posizione degli aeroporti nella cartella di installazione di X-Plane. Nella versione precedente gli aeroporti 3D si trovavano nella cartella 'Custom Scenery', mentre gli aeroporti 2D nella cartella 'Resources'. In X-Plane 11.33, tutti gli aeroporti si trovano ora nella cartella "Custom Scenery\Global Airports".
Laminar però avverte che: "Questo potrebbe causare problemi nel modo in cui viene visualizzato il vostro pacchetto Custom Scenery, quindi assicurarsi che gli aeroporti personalizzati che avete installato stiano più in alto nel file scenery_packs.ini rispetto al pacchetto "Global Airports" fornito con X-Plane. In questo modo gli aeroporti di default non nascondono il vostro scenario personalizzato".
Questi problemi dovrebbero essere eliminati con la versione succesiva.Altre novità della versione 11.33 sono:
Known bugs
-Software hangs upon exit when using VR.
-AMD driver bugs with displays & weapons.
-Contrails and wing condensation missing in replay.
-Release Candidate 2
“Newly released” tags for AG.
-Fixed missing buildings in KSEA – global airports was masking it out.
-Fixed missing AG library path.
Release Candidate 1
-Fix for motion platform output.
-Lower min FOV for pro customers.
-SegFault in setDestinationAirport(…). Condition was off by one.
-Hand-tuned the scroll wheel’s zoom rate in the map on Linux.
-Satellite misspelled in Map.
-New error message for sound bank conflicts due to users copying old planes.
Beta 1
-Separate engine temperature scale datarefs for F & C.
-Ensure settings window displays properly at 1024×768.
-Scale of text / userinterface not possible when not using 2nd monitor.
-Weight, balance and fuel- Total weight (lbs) does not include weapons.
-New naming scheme for screenshots.
-Create temp route present positions as objects in their own right.
-C172 stalls way too early now.
-Fix dome glare being screen aligned and looking silly when we roll.
-Fix for drop-downs being left open after the ATC window is closed.
-Fix dupe banks in FMOD crashing the sim.
-Min cloud altitudes set based on first airport you visit.
-Airport picker UI displays wrong magnetic variation.
-Option to disable VR green glowing boxes.
-Fixed German typos.
-2D panel on separate display depends on view direction of main 3D display.
-Make keys_class robust against key-presses and releases not being in balance.
-Autopilot speed and altitude select digits do not line up in windows.
-Fixed KOAK nav data.
-Lightning appears in cockpit in VR.
-Com radio can’t hear ATIS if marker beacons electrical bus is failed.
-Default Baron 58 de-icing not working.
-Make oil temperature datarefs editable.
-Fix for single engine driving multiple props.
-Helicopter icon generation too small.
-Crashes on older Intel GPUs.
-Default FMC, Holding Pattern will only be flown once.
-Dialled back ice mass accumulation.
-Updated Plane Maker UI when auto-start enabled.
-Fix crash off VNJS RWY06.
-Landing lights has no effect on battery amperage draw.
-Fixed slip ball limit.
-VR projection matrix is bad.
-Add launch option for Steam VR Lobby.
-Can’t select COM transmit on GMA audio panel.
Per aggiornare lanciare il programma di installazione e seguire le istruzioni. L'aggiornamento è disponibile anche per gli utenti Steam - assicurarsi di riavviare il client se l'aggiornamento non appare o non si inizializza.
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